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Training, Trekking, and Travelling

Transform your life through one or all of the 3Ts!

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” ~ Henry Ford

Why Training is a passion to me!

I am a creative person who loves to help others grow and deliver their best in their professional and personal lives, by tweaking their ASKs hidden within them.  Much of my inspiration comes from life experience and through my 3Ts that’s travel, trek, and training.

The three Ts that’s Training, Travel and Trek help me in curating my training sessions to instil self-understanding among trainees and motivate them to adopt new attitudes and feeling towards their personal and professional life situations.  Apart from classroom, outbound, and online training, I herd people on treks and travels, which is customized to my client’s needs.

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My Story

Every human being has stories to tell; stories that speak not only of their Life Journeys, ups and downs, fun, and challenges but also of the incredible experiences of their professional life. Being born into a family that swore on literature and theatre; connecting to people, watching and listening to them and reading came very naturally to me, which later helped me to connect the dots, to form a beautiful line, that’s LIFE.



The Sankalpa Rural Development Society invited Shobha to conduct a two day residential team training with our staff. Shobha gave her 150% .. she brought our team together in creative and innovative ways - working with a diverse group of both men and women - who were of varying skillsets and educational levels. 

For any questions you can connect with me here

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